The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky

Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D. is a professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside. A main feature of this book is that it is solidly grounded in scientific research. She explains the why and how of different concepts and strategies by using results from scientific studies. But it is still easy to read.
The book dispels some common myths about happiness. The author explains that we all have a happiness set point we were born with, which accounts for 50% of our happiness level, only 10% is determined by life circumstances, and 40% can be affected by our “daily intentional activities.”
The book includes a survey to help you assess your happiness level, and a quiz to help you figure out what activities would likely be helpful for you.
The 12 ‘hows’ to being happy are:
- Expressing gratitude
- Cultivating optimism
- Avoiding overthinking and social comparison
- Practicing acts of kindness
- Nurturing social relationships
- Developing strategies for coping
- Forgive
- Increasing flow experiences
- Savoring life’s joys
- Committing to your goals
- Practicing religion and spirituality
- Taking care of your body
Each strategy is explained in depth as to why they can be helpful, different ways to practice them, and how to maximize their benefits.