college students. young adults, counseling for life transitions, adulting

Nature is full of incredible transformations—the caterpillar’s process of metamorphosis, for instance. After hatching from an egg, the caterpillar eats and eats until it reaches its full size, and then it creates a chrysalis and undergoes its transformation. When it emerges as a butterfly, it’s almost magical. It’s vibrant, full of color, and instinctively knows how to fly.

Most transformations aren’t so smooth. For humans, especially, the lines get blurry. Not everyone develops at the same rate or in the same way. We’re born without knowing how to talk or walk, unable even to feed ourselves. That struggle is built into each stage of our lives. Is it any wonder how many people feel anxiety as they take their first steps toward independence in the world

Adulting is hard, and feeling anxiety about the process is natural! Here are some helpful ways to ease your adulting anxiety:

1. Embrace It

This might sound strange, but step one in easing your anxiety is to embrace it. Accept that your anxiety is a natural part of being human. Those butterflies in your stomach? That vague feeling of nausea when you start thinking about deadlines? That’s your fight-or-flight response. Your body is reminding you there’s something to worry about. It’s no different than burning your finger on the stove or cutting your finger with a knife. It’s a survival mechanism.

So: embrace it. Anxiety exists to point out things to plan for—but it’s not always great at knowing what we can or can’t control, which brings us to our next tip…

2. Be Realistic

Avoid lofty ambitions and big goals in favor of small, realistic tasks. As you enter adulthood, it’s easy to get caught up in big-picture stresses. Social media is full of influences looking to elicit strong emotional responses—often rage and fear. Try to keep your focus on things you can control:

  • Creating healthy routines
  • Exploring new social circles
  • Making time for yourself

When you need to pursue a bigger goal or ambition, try breaking it up into smaller chunks and focus on taking care of each task individually. Instead of cleaning your whole apartment, work on one room at a time—or even better, part of a room.

young adult walking on a bridge. life transitions, anxiety about adulting, young adult support, counseling for young adults

3. Practice Self-Care

Only you know what this looks like, but some easy recommendations include daily exercise, a healthy diet, and no caffeine after four. Try carving out some time to write in a journal each morning or night. Get some quiet time with a good book at night instead of a screen.

4. Celebrate Wins

All too often, we move on from our wins without stopping to celebrate them. It’s important for you to pat yourself on the back when you get one. You didn’t learn how to walk or talk overnight; every skill you’ve ever mastered started off as a series of small steps. Keep that in mind. Celebrate those small steps. Doing so will encourage you to keep going.

5. Set Boundaries

As children, we’re often at the mercy of our parents—when we enter the world as adults, we often do so without having learned to set clear and healthy boundaries. This can become a major problem in our relationships both at home and at work.

  • Protect your time
  • Communicate your needs
  • Don’t overcommit

Sometimes, to reduce your stress, you need to say no. It’s important for you to let the people in your life know how much of you they can have.

butterfly on flower. counseling for college students, young adults, young professionals, life transitions counseling

6. Cut Yourself a Break

Every so often, take a minute to acknowledge your anxiety. Give it the respect it deserves. Being an adult isn’t all forward progress. There are going to be ugly moments where you stumble and fall. Be kind to yourself when it happens, brush yourself off, and get back up.

Seek Support at Mindspace Counseling in NC

Adulting doesn’t have to be scary—and you don’t have to do it alone. If you’re struggling with adulting anxiety, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We have qualified online therapists who can work with you to develop a plan that helps you transition into adulthood with more ease and confidence. Reach out for a free 15-minute consultation today.